SSC 131





Name: __________________________

Student Number:__________________



  1.  Advertising designers need the skills and understandings in the category ______


    1. art and graphics
    2. fashion designer
    3. autocad
    4. word processing


2.                  When solving conflict in the office, use I statement to avoid


    1. Stress
    2. Conflict
    3. Pressure
    4. Accusations


3.                  The organization and integrating of activities is done through


    1. Administration
    2. Co-ordinating
    3. Filing
    4. Communicating


4.                  The following are ways to control stress EXCEPT


    1. follow directions
    2. set realistic goals
    3. learn through experience
    4. establish priorities


5.                  ______________________ is a person’s will or desire to do something.


    1. Satisfaction
    2. Motivation
    3. Willingness
    4. Confident







6.                  “People must feel doing the job well will provide them with something they value in return.”  This statement refers to


    1. Self confident
    2. Willingness
    3. Needs satisfaction
    4. Concentration


7.                  Ergonomics refers to


    1. a study of work environment
    2. data processing system
    3. communication between organization
    4. a study of the economics


8.                  Which of the following refers to the layout of the office


    1. Office program
    2. An office management
    3. Office landscape
    4. Organization structure


9.                  The role of the office manager is to manage the following EXCEPT


    1. workers
    2. workplace
    3. workstation
    4. workflow


10.             The purpose of internal communication is to


    1. make contact between two points
    2. prepare organizational structure
    3. inform and negotiate conflicts
    4. advertise products


11.             The following are important skills needed for the 21st Century EXCEPT


    1. reading and writing skills
    2. customer relation skills
    3. learning skills
    4. interpersonal skills


12.             An example of internal communication is


    1. Transportation
    2. Postal
    3. Advertisement
    4. Visual chart



13.             Attackers are


    1. people who act like subject expert
    2. people who need space
    3. people who always agree
    4. people who act powerless


14.             The way people structure the space around themselves is known as


    1. Paralanguage
    2. Proxemics
    3. Limited area
    4. Proper space


15.             A good way to cope with stress and get along with others better is to


    1. Exercise
    2. Take frequent breaks
    3. Eat a balanced diet
    4. Maintain a sense of humor


16.             Body language


    1. is a space around the person
    2. concerns with time
    3. refers to gesture of the body
    4. must be learned by everyone


17.             Among the things that motivate us include


    1. promotion
    2. Hard work
    3. Good looks
    4. Expensive items





18.             Employees who are eager to help are


    1. demotivated
    2. motivated
    3. willing
    4. unwilling



19.             Successful change is built in


    1. big steps
    2. small steps
    3. long-range
    4. short-range


20. When dealing with _________________________ you must respect their knowledge.


    1. attackers
    2. victims
    3. sneaks
    4. egotists





Answer All The Questions


  1. Business communication is important to organization .  Explains two type of communications and the scope of each of them. [ 10 marks ]


  1. There are 3 skills needed for office supervisor.  Explains each skill and support your answer with the example for the skills. [ 10 marks ]


3.  How to deal with difficult people? [ 5 marks ]